We have been in love with Beckie-Ann Galentine's bad-ass style and attitude for quite some time now! Her photos and vintage shop ooze a certain type of confidence and exude an air of witchy wonder. She's very into the occult and hangs out in graveyards fairly often... which we think more people should get into! She has this awesome, youth in revolt flame burning in her which is ultra evident whenever she happens to be in a photo! Miss Galentine hails from Pennsylvania and sells vintage in her Etsy shop, modeling the clothing with an edgy, feminine energy in every outfit, from velvet to lace.
Do you have any daily rituals?
Every morning starts with freshly
brewed green tea, and by the end of the day I usually fall asleep
painting, even if it is something small.
Your work seems to channel some otherworldly stuff! Describe the role of the occult in your images.
I have always been interested in the occult, mainly because my mother
would take me to this little Pagan store hours away and I would be
captivated. Although I do not identify myself to any one set religion, I
am a spiritual person. Whenever I first saw “the Selma Blair Witch
Project” editorial a few years back, I was greatly inspired. Popular
fashion, photography and art always seemed to focus on ultra-poppy
bubblegummy type stuff, and the darker side of things always got a
negative and ugly view. The occult doesn’t necessarily mean scary or
ugly just because it is different, and I try to show that through
imagery. The props I use – such as the crystal ball, spell books or
witch bottles – are all authentic.

Do you have a beloved camera or film type?
Even though it’s a pain, I will always have a soft spot for Polaroid
instant film. It reminds me of sitting on Santa’s lap, bawling my eyes
out as a child. The fact that instant was immortalized on the spot is
just awesome to me – it can never be deleted or Photoshopped. It’s and
raw, forever.
What is your favorite season to shoot in?
Autumn, hands down. The weather is perfect – not too cold or too warm and the warm tones in the leaves are enchanting to me.

What would be the five items you'd grab out of your room in an emergency?
Oh jeeze, I’d probably do the best I could to haul out my garbage bag
full of My Little Ponies, my crystal ball, my camera, a deer skull my
best friend gave me, and my book of shadows.
Is portrait photography your preferred format?
Absolutely. I love making people, especially ordinary people with no
modeling experience, feel pretty! Everyone’s eyes tell a story; if you
can capture that in a photograph, you know what you are doing.

What's your favorite vintage item you've come across? Why?
I have this black angora sweater I picked up at a local thrift shop
that I couldn’t live without; it’s oversized and super warm and I can
pretty much wear it with anything.
How did you decide to start selling vintage?
I’ve been hoarding vintage clothes for several years now. I remember
picking up a floral mod mini dress at a Goodwill and it being my first
vintage purchase. Ever since then, I’ve been trying to maintain a
wardrobe that balances new, designer and vintage in a style that fits
me. I always received a lot of compliments on my style, and had thought
about getting into vintage retail (my mother had owned an antique store,
this kind of stuff is in my blood), but I never had the motivation.
When I visited my parent’s house after living away from home for a few
years I realized the mass amounts of awesome vintage items I had hoarded
and realized it was time to share my treasures with everyone.

What are your plans for the near future business-wise and photography-wise?
Bruised Black has a mens line in the works as well as a vintage revival
line. I’ve been slaving over my sewing machine lately, working on
one-of-a-kind pieces and accessories. I have been recruiting models
outside of myself, as well as other photographers. It’s going to take
some time, but I have much bigger plans than what’s going on now –
perhaps even a physical store.
I’ve been contacted by several people who are models for larger companies that want to work together; it seems crazy. I started out fumbling around the industry not knowing what to do and it’s finally falling into place. I want to keep developing my own style and build my portfolio. I know that it takes years to finally mark your place and I’m willing to do so with a lot of work.
I’ve been contacted by several people who are models for larger companies that want to work together; it seems crazy. I started out fumbling around the industry not knowing what to do and it’s finally falling into place. I want to keep developing my own style and build my portfolio. I know that it takes years to finally mark your place and I’m willing to do so with a lot of work.
What band are you currently obsessing over?
I will never get enough of My Bloody Valentine – I’m a sucker for shoegaze.
many thanks to beckie!
check out her photography and her etsy shop!
The Pulp Girls
**all photos above are Beckie-Ann Galentine's, please credit her if you use them in any way!**
Great piece, loving these pictures!