Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
We met the very lovely Shauna on a very cold and gray afternoon, one of the first frigid days in October! Sadly, we had absentmindedly packed only light-weight items for her and Savannah to model! They had no complaints and stuck it out in a patient manner, resulting in photos that were purely ethereal. Actually, if we had to pick just one word to describe Shauna, we honestly think "ethereal" would be it! She is a quiet beauty with the looks and sweet personality befitting a flower child, basking in the sun at a concert festival in 1968. In shoots, she brings a clear, calm and fun attitude, even in the worst of weather. We love the gypsy/bohemian aura that seems to surround her everywhere she goes and shines in all of her photos!
first shoot: at a creepy chimney in the middle of the woods in Oct. 2010
second shoot: a candy-filled, colorful shoot in a hotel room! -Nov. 2010
third shoot: a film only shoot! cold but lovely snowflakes snuck up on us! -Dec. 2010
20 Questions with Shauna:
NAME: Shauna Denos
STATE: Connecticut
ZODIAC: Virgo/Libra Cusp
SPIRIT ANIMAL: Skunk! (Long story...)
FAVORITE ERA: Very difficult for me to choose, but I must say that I am simply in LOVE with the 1960s.
IN TEN YEARS I'D LIKE TO BE...: directing a groundbreaking art film and/or an investigative documentary.
WHO'S YOUR IDOL: I have so many idols, but Chan Marshall of Cat Power is my number one. ♥
FAVORITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER: A tie between Sal Paradise in On The Road and Holden Caulfield in Catcher in the Rye.
WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT MODELING FOR PULP: The creativity involved! The fun that always seems to occur! The interesting people I get to meet!
FAVORITE PULP SHOOT: I loved the shoot I was most recently in because it spontaneously started flurrying on us!
FAVORITE PULP ITEM YOU'VE MODELED: The black pantsuit, so awesome!
WHAT WOULD BE YOUR DREAM PULP PHOTOSHOOT: A cross country road trip photo shoot! ♥
WHAT WOULD BE YOUR DREAM PULP PHOTOSHOOT: A cross country road trip photo shoot! ♥
PET PEEVES: Control freaks, yikes.
FAVORITE STYLE: Bohemian/Punk Rock/Flapper somehow all working together to make sense!
FAVORITE SONG AT THIS MOMENT: Black Balloon by The Kills
FAVORITE MOVIE AT THIS MOMENT: La Vie en Rose by Oliver Dahan
ON A RAINY DAY I...:get visually inspired and usually end up painting!
FAVORITE THING ABOUT YOURSELF: I rarely ever lose my temper.
THE FIVE THINGS YOU'D TAKE TO A DESERT ISLAND: Polaroid Camera, Ipod, paints, and my favorite pair of sunglasses ♥
thank you so much Shauna for being pulp girl of the week, you lovely girl!
The Pulp Girls
Thursday, December 23, 2010
cold days under the big blue sky
Can I just say westerns are simply ah-mazing?? We saw the remake of True Grit two nights ago, so we've been craving some frontiersman themes and expansive open spaces! (And of course, who doesn't love awesome nature-dwelling gunslingers?) In particular, we love ourselves the whole Dollars trilogy, like all self-respecting ladies do.
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We're in the very early planning stages of a bandito-styled shoot, with a much more feminine touch, involving flower-stuffed gun holsters, floral headdresses and lace masks! Hopefully the freezing freezing FREEZING cold Connecticut will be warmer by then!!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Anna Morse has been mesmerizing our viewers and modeling our vintage since the beginning of Pulp. She was actually our youngest model at the time but totally surprised us with her ability to take direction and turn it into a loveliness and grace in photos. This probably has something to do with her obvious presence in school plays and training from theatre classes at an art school that all three of us (Anna, Pulp founders: Brianna & Cailie) happened to attend! We actually remember saying, after a shoot with Anna, that we wished all of our models could be actresses so they knew how to make an expressive, interesting but still gorgeous pose. She has a classic beauty... one that would be at place in a black & white movie. Anna and the demure Grace Kelly actually share a striking resemblance if you compare the photos below!
Grace Kelly
first shoot: at a lovely little lake in our town in 2008.
second shoot: a strange decision on our part to have it at the library... -2008.
third shoot: we had to sneak into our old highschool for these classy shots. -2009
forth shoot: grocery store galore! -2009
fifth shoot: anna's glorious backyard. -2009.
sixth shoot: new frontiers with anna and aidan! -2010
third shoot: we had to sneak into our old highschool for these classy shots. -2009
forth shoot: grocery store galore! -2009
fifth shoot: anna's glorious backyard. -2009.
sixth shoot: new frontiers with anna and aidan! -2010
seventh shoot: anna playing vixen in our amaaaazing prom field shoot! -2010
eighth shoot: hotel parties with lovely anna. -2010
ninth shoot: sultry swans in the woods. -2010
eighth shoot: hotel parties with lovely anna. -2010
ninth shoot: sultry swans in the woods. -2010
Interview with Anna:
NAME: Anna Morse
STATE: Connecticut
ZODIAC: Capricorn!
SPIRIT ANIMAL: Hmmm, probably a Horse or something, I've never really given it much thought
IN TEN YEARS I'D LIKE TO BE...: Living in New York as a working actress! (Hopefully!)
WHO'S YOUR IDOL: Kate Moss, she's such an amazing model.
FAVORITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER: Abigail Williams from the Crucible.
WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT MODELING FOR PULP: I get to meet new people, dress up and play around and have SO much fun!
FAVORITE PULP SHOOT: The big group shoot out in the field, I LOVED the pictures from that one!
PET PEEVES: When people are so stubborn that they don't even let you tell your side of the argument. If they just automatically write you off as wrong and don't even listen, it makes me so angry! Even if it's just a little thing haha
FAVORITE STYLE: I love long sleeved dresses that are short and kind of tight. I think if you pair them with some of those high-heeled ankle boots it can be right for so many occasions!
FAVORITE SONG AT THIS MOMENT: I've been listening to a lot of older songs lately, so right now it's The Chain by Fleetwood Mac
ON A RAINY DAY I...: Go out and dance in the rain! Rainy days are my favorite, actually! When I'm not dancing outside, I'll just curl up on my couch, light a few candles, and watch a movie.
FAVORITE THING ABOUT YOURSELF: I am really level-headed. My parents raised me to be very realistic about things, and although I do ofter go into my own little fantasy land, I don't let myself wander too far.
LACE OR VELVET: LACE! I can't even tell you how many lace things I have in my closet!
a big thank you to Anna for being such a great model and also the first pulp girl of the week!!
The Pulp Girls!
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